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Nuclear News By Region:


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German TV: Japan TV star suffering acute leukemia after eating Fukushima produce (VIDEO)


STRANGE: Two high-profile Fukushima studies ‘edited’ by global warming advocate James Hansen — Wrote article “Why America Needs Nuclear Energy”

STRANGE: Two high-profile Fukushima studies ‘edited’ by global warming advocate James Hansen — Wrote article “Why America Needs Nuclear Energy”

Gov’t: Over 30,000 sq. km in Japan “blanketed by radioactive caesium”


Strontium detected at several locations in Central Tokyo — Highest radiation of survey found outside Gov’t building


Reporters ‘gawk’ as dosimeter detects over 70 microsieverts per hour


WaPo: “Many” spots 15 km out have higher radiation than at Fukushima front gate — Risk ‘minimal’, day in no-go zone like 12-hr plane ride


WATCH: Suspected damage to fuel assembly racks in Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 — See anything missing? (VIDEO)


Radiation expert: “I’m not ruling out a nuclear bomb-type explosion” at Fukushima (VIDEO)


“Huge steam explosions” if nuclear fuel hits water… Just a matter of time before corium melts through Fukushima station: Former secretary of UK gov’t committee (VIDEO)


Highest Yet: 1,600 millisieverts/hr detected in Reactor No. 3 — Radiation coming from floor (VIDEO)


China syndrome inevitable says architect of Fukushima Reactor No. 3 — Warns of massive hydrovolcanic explosion — Melted fuel inevitably sank underground


Top Japan Official: There have been various discussions on location of melted fuel — We ‘think’ we are able to cool fuel inside primary containers and pressure vessels


Yomiuri: Unknown how much nuclear fuel has melted through Fukushima reactors and ‘dispersed’ — Questionable to assess that as nearly a ‘cold shutdown’


33.53 microsieverts/hr in Koriyama city (VIDEO)

33.53 microsieverts/hr in Koriyama city (VIDEO)

Yomiuri: 451 deaths “due to physical deterioration triggered by the disaster” — Number expected to increase dramatically — From “long-term fatigue and worsening of chronic diseases”


Air Filter Friday: Radioactivity at 300% of normal background in Los Angeles-area dust — 350 CPM in St. Louis-area Ionic Breeze (VIDEOS)

Air Filter Friday: Radioactivity at 300% of normal background in Los Angeles-area air filter dust — 350 CPM in St. Louis-area Ionic Breeze (VIDEOS)

Fukushima Diary: Like others, I’ve had diarrhea for months… coughing and sore throat too — See pic of Mochizuki at work (PHOTO)


NRC 100 hours after quake: We hear radiation levels are up, even in Tokyo — Reports that spent fuel pools 1, 2 and 3 started to boil

SOURCE: Nuclear Regulatory Commission via Enformable

ANOTHER incident at NC nuke plant: Condition at Reactor 2 significantly degraded plant safety — Local news mentions concern about health threats to public (VIDEO)

Another incident at NC nuke plant: Condition at Reactor 2 “significantly degraded plant safety” — Local news mentions concern about health threats to public (VIDEO)

Fukushima TV news host quits after becoming pregnant — Had reported Fukushima was safe: “Children ate cherries even without washing them”